Daily Tasks
What business are you in?
What business are you really in?
What business do you need to be in?
Get clear on what you need to change.
Clarity on what these changes will make in your life?
When you change, what do you leave behind?
Daily Tasks
Create your list of 500
What skill are you working on?
What actions can you do immediately?
How to rewire your brain to have a more MINDFLEX - instantly deal and create powerful solutions to challenges
There is no comfort zone!
Teaching action activities to others.
Bring your vision into your action!
WEEK 3 -
Daily Tasks
Define events!
How to invite to events.
How to follow-up and build retention in your business.
Creating daily events.
Building your event brand!
How to leverage free events;
Youtube channel and podcasts.
I.L.T. Events
Ready To Get Started? Click The Button Above!
Daily Tasks
What is your best want?
What are you willing to pay?
Seeing your dream results.
Adding taste, all your senses, this will change everything, guaranteed.
Dream board --1000 word story
Mirror Presentation -- how good are you?
What you have to learn to sell your dream.
WEEK 4 -
Defining Your Purpose
WEEK 5 - Mastermind
Daily Tasks
Setting rules for Influencers.
Deciding who you are going to bleed with. Who are you going all in with?
How to establish the burning desire for:
1. Your group
2. Each person
Creating team leverage. -
Rules so you can boot people from your mastermind.
Where you need to focus to raise the bar.
Your invisible Mastermind!
Accountability - what it really looks like to succeed.
Daily Tasks
What has not worked?
What do you not enjoy doing?
How is your health?
Build your mind using world-class brain food!
Doing more 20% activites and reducing the 80% busy work activites
80-15-5 The Thompson Rule
How to qualify business partners that want to win and succeed.
WEEK 6 - Doubling Down
Daily Tasks
What is your daily price?
What is your Kizen, .01% focus?
Nightly routine, daily routine for 5 figure succes.
Habitual routines for maximum recognition.
Double your retention with thank you.
Forced Law of Reciprocity - how to use it to build massive success.
Creating your big stretch for the rest of the year.
Daily Tasks
Where do you keep coming up short?
What's the excuse?
Stop doing it for them, learn to be a business owner.
What can you do more of?
What can you do less of?
What do you need to start?
What do you need to stop?
WEEK 8 - Plugging The Holes
WEEK 9 - UnDistractable
Daily Tasks
Find your real list 100 dstractions.
What is it costing you?
Now learn to say NO with power, don't let it be your weakness.
Prepare for a new level of excitement.
The power of 90-minute blocks.
The power of journaling.
2 hours of meditation, understanding good, better & best models.
Daily Tasks
What is it and what it's not!
Building your true leadership mind!
Building your leadership muscle.
How to ask others to lead.
Coaching the reluctant leader.
Mentoring the challenging leader.
The CODE of leadership!
Daily Tasks
How to stop people from leveraging you
Building your personal courage
Build your audience by teaching how to put leverage back into 'their' hands and all them to take back personal control.
Freedom through power of leverage
Frontier Language -- how to share your clear vision that excites your audience.
Stop leavering yesterdays mistakes and failures.
Daily Tasks
Market penetration -- 3 simple steps to dominate your market.
Expansion of your vision -- learning how to continuously think bigger.
Leadership expansion -- what it takes to train the trainers.
Your resume -- what is on your current resume?
Your Book -- it's time to be a published author.
Your course -- I.L.T. it's time to build your credibility.
Your Freedom